清華學院簡介 Introduction
清華學院原為共同教育委員會,簡稱為共教會,成立於1995年,並於2015年8月更名為一個以清華為名的學院:「清華學院」。清華學院為國內第一個提供大學部學生跨專業領域之「共同通識課程」的學院層級組織。目前設有通識教育中心、體育室、軍訓室、藝術中心、語文中心、學士班、住宿書院,並於2018年成立了科技藝術研究中心、區域創新中心,2019年成立國際學士班。 清華學院橫向串聯通識、語文、體育、藝術、住宿教育等執行全校性教育的單位,期能有效結合課堂學習、校園活動、服務學習、社會體驗,以擴大學習場域、豐富學習內容,促成多元、彈性、跨域的學習環境及創新教育模式。 清華學院為清華大學全人教育的重要指標。學生來到清華大學,除了可以研習各自專業領域的知識外,還可以接受來自不同領域的薰陶,以開闊知識視野、提升社會關懷、健全身心發展,成為有抱負,對社會做出貢獻的公民。
Tsing Hua College, formed in August 2015, was changed from the Commission of General Education established in 1995. Tsing Hua College is the first college-level unit among universities in Taiwan to offer students general education curricula that benefit students from different disciplines. Tsing Hua College consists of eight academic departments and two research centers. They are the Center for General Education, Physical Education Office, Military Education Office, Arts Center, Center for Language Education, Residential College, Tsing Hua Interdisciplinary Program, The Research Center for Technology and Arts, and Regional Innovation Center. The College integrates the value from the general education curricula which include courses and activities from six dimensions, languages, physical education, arts, residential education, etc. which take the forms of classroom learning, activities within and outside of the campus, service learning, etc. Through these practices, Tsing Hua College expands students’ learning outreaches, enriches learning contents and contexts, and creates a diversified, flexible, and interdisciplinary learning system that could enable various experimental programs. The education at Tsing Hua College ensures that students not only receive the best academic training but also gain well-rounded learning experiences to expand their knowledge horizon, heighten concerns for public affairs, and enhance their health and well-being to become self-motivated contributors to the sustainability of human societies.